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About Me

I have a B.S. in Engineering: Systems from a small, private engineering college.

I then spent a year working for a university on the West Coast as a marine technician in the Oceanography Department. As a result, I spent a lot of time on ships and used this blog to detail my experiences.

I am now in a PhD program in Engineering and Public Policy at a university on the East Coast. My research focuses on consumer decision-making related to energy usage.

I am interested in the intersections of feminism, philosophy, and engineering. This blog began as a record of my studies as I completed a capstone project in the field of social philosophy.

If you are new to this blog, I recommend starting with these entries:

One Comment leave one →
  1. March 2, 2011 08:59

    hi! i tried emailing you but your address is no longer in use. remember you emailed me to ask for a painting as a part of my free paintings project? well i just finished it!

    please email me your mailing address so i can send it to you!


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